Writing Links
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Super COol Writing Links!

There are many great writing resources on the internet that can help you master (and dare I say enjoy) expository writing. Below is a list of my favorite writing links. I encourage everyone to visit at least a couple! Got a personal favorite to add to this list? Please e-mail me and let me know. I will be more than happy to post them on my site!


Links For Students:

Seussville - Games, information, and fun from the publisher of the Dr. Seuss books!

Dictionary.com - Includes a great language translator, dictionary, thesaurus, and a lot of help with spelling and grammar.

Young Writer's Clubhouse - All around great site about writing and getting started as a writer. 

Wacky Web Tales - The name of this site says it all.



Links For Parents and Guardians:

The North Carolina Standard Course of Study for the 7th Grade

Information on Writing Gateways in North Carolina

Tips and Checklist for Parents and Guardians

N.C.'s Department of Instruction Web Resources

A Caregiver's Guide to Smarter Summers



Links for Teachers: